Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Fad Diets to Avoid Nowadays

The Zone Diet sounded novel when it first appeared, but it is actually on food combining principles from Asia, based for thousands of years. Another example is the South Beach diet, which is based on the Stillman diet from the sixties. So how do you tell if a fad diet is really just a repackaged trend?

Eating, especially if it is based on the way to the cave man or eaten food in the Bible, it is probably a bit dizzy. This type of diet is the basis for foodDeprivation and vegetarianism, and both types of weight loss methods for thousands of years. Basically, if the diet is usually not to eat carbohydrates and protein, carbohydrates and no protein or no fat, it is not a healthy diet.

It is also a fad diet if they eat just about any food just like a grapefruit diet, or fatty foods only diet. You just do not get all the nutrition you need food in this way. You need to eat a variety of foods to stayhealthy.

Ketosis is an abnormal body process that occurs during starvation. Ketosis causes fatigue, constipation, nausea and vomiting, none of which are part of a healthy lifestyle. The long-term side effects of ketosis have been documented for heart disease, bone loss and kidney damage.

Crash diets dehydrate you, low-calorie diets put your body into starvation, then you can not lose another pound and high protein diets stress your kidneys and clogYour arteries. You need both protein and fat in the diet are both important metabolic and physiological functions in the body.

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